Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A new day

Well today is my first day in my new place. I've broken up with my boyfriend and moved into a new place to clear my head. Sometimes the hardest decisions in life are the best ones. If there is anything I've learned over the last few months, its that you can never be happy until you find balance in your life. I was so un happy and I never even knew it. I've always been a positive person, and with all the negativity that my ex brought, I was turning into someone that I didnt even know. With all of my fitness success over the last 12 months, I still couldnt find happiness. So, I've put my foot down and now I'm watching out for number one. Myself. I know its going to be hard sometimes, but, what isnt. Life is suppopse to be fun and exciting. It should be spontaneous and full of love, good friends, laughter and fun. Time to go to sleep in my new room. Tomorrow is a new day!! Nite

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